Receiving a denial letter for your Social Security disability claim can be discouraging. But it’s important to remember this isn’t the end of the road. Many claimants are initially denied, but there are steps you can take to fight for the benefits you deserve. Many claims are approved after an initial denial. Here’s what to do after receiving a Social Security disability denial:

  1. Understand the Denial Reason:

The denial letter will explain why your claim was rejected. Read it carefully and note the specific reasons. This will help you determine the best course of action for your appeal.

  1. Act Quickly! You Have a Time Limit:

The Social Security Administration (SSA) sets a strict deadline for appeals. You only have 60 days from the date on the denial letter to file a request for reconsideration. Missing this deadline can significantly complicate your case. Don’t miss this window!

  1. Request Reconsideration (First Appeal Stage):

Reconsideration is the first stage of the appeals process. A different SSA employee will review your file, considering any additional evidence you submit. This is your chance to address the reasons for denial and strengthen your case. You can request reconsideration online or by submitting Form SSA-561 [Form SSA-561 | Request for Reconsideration, Social Security Administration (.gov)].

  1. Gather Additional Evidence:

  • Medical Records: Ensure your medical records clearly document your disability and its limitations.
  • Doctor’s Statement: A statement from your doctor explaining how your condition affects your ability to work can be very persuasive.
  • Functional Capacity Evaluation (FCE): This formal assessment by a healthcare professional measures your ability to perform specific work tasks.
  • Work History: Documentation of past work attempts (and failures) due to your disability can be valuable.
  • Witness Statements: Statements from friends, family, or therapists can support your claim regarding daily struggles.
  1. Consider Seeking Help:

The disability appeals process can be complex. An experienced attorney or advocate[i] focusing on Social Security Disability can be a powerful asset throughout the appeals process. They can help you gather evidence, complete paperwork, and represent you at hearings. At Magnolia Disability, we are passionate about advocating for our Clients. Our success speaks for itself. We’ve helped hundreds of people secure the Social Security disability benefits they need. Check out our website for testimonials from satisfied clients!

Remember: Getting Social Security disability benefits can be a complex process. Don’t be discouraged by a denial. By understanding your options, gathering strong evidence, and potentially seeking professional help, you can increase your chances of a successful appeal.

Helpful Resources:


Disclaimer: This blog article is for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice. Please call our office for a free consultation with a qualified Disability Attorney or EDPNA Representative for personalized guidance on your specific situation.

[i] Social Security Administration recognizes non-attorney representatives that have passed a rigorous test. These qualified disability representatives are called EDPNA: Eligible for Direct Pay Non-Attorneys.